National Motorcycle Rally Supporting Tortured Wolf Reaches $100K Milestone Near Wyoming

When the Hogs for Hope motorcycle rally arrives in Green River, Wyoming, this Saturday in honor of a tortured and killed wolf in Daniel, it will be warmly received at the local Harley-Davidson dealership.

Johnny “Goose” Shafe, assistant general manager of Flaming Gorge Harley-Davidson, told Cowboy State Daily that the size of the gathering is uncertain, but he expects a significant turnout.

“Generally, these rides or rallies start small and gain momentum along the way,” he said. “They anticipate this being their largest stop before heading up to Daniel.”

The Hogs for Hope rally is scheduled to gather at the dealership at 2 p.m.

The Rally

Led by renowned dog trainer and social media influencer Jonas Black of Austin, Texas, the Hogs for Hope rally was organized in response to the news of a wolf being captured, tortured, and killed on February 29 behind the Green River Bar in Daniel. Black felt compelled to act and decided to organize a motorcycle rally from Austin to Daniel as a fundraiser for Wyoming wildlife conservation groups advocating for changes in wolf management policies.

As of Wednesday, donations had surpassed the $100,000 mark, and Black planned to start the rally from Austin that day.

Black has invited anyone who wishes to join the rally along the way. The plan is to arrive at the Green River Bar at 10 a.m. Sunday to present the donated money to representatives of Wyoming Wildlife Advocates and Wolves of the Rockies. The rally will then proceed to Jackson for celebratory activities, according to Black’s itinerary.

Law Enforcement On Standby

Despite some opposition and death threats, Black remains undeterred and aims for a peaceful rally. Daniel, a town of 108 in Sublette County, has seen a surge in negative attention due to the wolf incident, causing local unrest.

Black emphasized his intent for a non-confrontational event. Given the polarized opinions on wolves and the heated emotions from the Daniel incident, there is potential for conflict when the bikers arrive.

Wyoming Highway Patrol commander Col. Tim Cameron stated they expect the event to remain peaceful but are prepared. Additional troopers will be in the area for traffic safety over Memorial Day weekend, with a few detailed to the Daniel area. The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office will also monitor the rally, hoping it stays peaceful.

Community Support

Shafe reached out to Black after learning the rally would pass through Wyoming, offering the dealership as the last stop before the rally heads to Daniel.

“We don’t have anything super formal planned. It’s just going to be a meet-and-greet and a great time,” Shafe said, noting the positive feedback from the community.

Flaming Gorge Harley-Davidson aims to welcome everyone, regardless of their stance on wolf repopulation in Wyoming. “The reason we got involved is that, regardless of your position on wolf repopulation, animal cruelty is wrong,” Shafe said.