At 90 and a half, an Air Force vet's love for Harley-Davidson bikes endures.

Don Huffman's devotion to Harley-Davidson motorcycles spans over seven decades. Now, at the age of 90 and a half, his passion for the iconic bikes remains undiminished. From his first ride at 18 to amassing a collection of 30 motorcycles, including prized World War II models, Huffman's journey is a testament to his enduring affection for the brand.

Having served as a plane mechanic in the Air Force, Huffman's transition to motorcycles was a natural progression. "I had a motorcycle all through my Air Force years," he recalls, reminiscing about taking his bike overseas to North Africa. "I'd load it on and tie it down and tell the flight crew 'you got to deal with it, because it's going along with me.'"

After leaving the Air Force, Huffman's focus on motorcycles, particularly Harleys, intensified. He eventually purchased a Harley dealership in Lakeland, where he dedicated 45 years to the business before retiring. Today, his most cherished bikes find a home in a museum he established on his son's property.

Huffman's love for riding extends to his family, with both his son and grandson sharing his passion. Despite reducing his weekly rides to 200 miles and preferring group outings, Huffman's enthusiasm for the open road remains unyielding. "Freedom," he says, describing the feeling of cruising through country roads. "I love the country."

While he's experienced his fair share of spills over the years, Huffman's resilience is unwavering. "I've fallen off my bike dozens of times," he chuckles, "but that doesn't stop me from getting back up." For Huffman, riding isn't just a pastime – it's an integral part of his identity that continues to define him at 90 and beyond.